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How to... organise a workshop

This page shows how Fellows can organise a workshop for their suppliers, project, customers, community or staff.

Workshops are the most flexible benefit of School Fellowship!

Who are they for?

Anyone you choose. Suppliers, project teams, customers, community, staff, board, executive… anyone!

What topics can they cover?

Anything you like. What is sustainability, social sustainability, environmental sustainability, economic sustainability, how to join and use your School Membership, introduction to your sustainability targets, deep dive into embodied carbon in constriction, remediation of modern slavery in your supply chain, how to join and use your School Fellowship, rapid-fire Q&A… anything you like.

How many workshops can I book?

Each Fellowship category has a different allocation of complimentary online hours included in their annual Fellowship fee.  Additional hours can be purchased. Face-to-face workshops are also available on request.

10 Hours
10 hours of complimentary online workshop time each year is included in the annual fees of the following Fellowship categories:
Full or unrestricted Fellows
Indigenous Fellows
Medium Business Fellows
2 Hours
Local Government Technical Fellows collectively coordinate a single 2 hour workshop or two one hour workshops via the Local Government Working Group. Additional hours can be purchased.
Local Government Resouirces
Available for purchase
The following Fellowship categories do NOT have complimentary hours for workshops included in their annual fees:
Knowledge Fellows
Technical Fellows
SME Technical Fellows
Small Business Fellows
Micro Business Fellows
Industry Fellows