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In the media: Fifth Estate reports on sustainable supply chains

Published 22nd Oct 19 - by Hayley Jarick

The spiky issue of making the supply chain more sustainable

Poppy Johnston | 22 October 2019

How is the built environment tracking towards more sustainable supply chains? 

The head of Supply Chain Sustainability School, Hayley Jarick, who took on the role after Robin Mellon left earlier this year, is optimistic that industry is stepping up on the key issues.

The not-for-profit offers free online sustainability training for the entire supply chain, with a focus on the built environment. It works across the triple bottom line of sustainability and is supported by around 30 partners that pay fees so that the rest of the industry can access these resources free-of-charge.

Circular economy and modern slavery are the issues attracting the most enquires, Jarick told The Fifth Estate. She says that modern slavery is one of a handful of social sustainability issues that have risen in prominence over the past few years.

Read the full article here: https://www.thefifthestate.com.au/business/public-community/the-spiky-issue-of-making-the-supply-chain-more-sustainable/