About the MECLA Dictionary of Carbon
The MECLA Dictionary of Carbon
Download The MECLA Dictionary of Carbon provides common language definitions for popular carbon-related terms used in the built environment and related industries.
The definitions were developed by MECLA Working Group 4 and have been reviewed by all interested MECLA working group members.
References are included for each definition. The definition used may be directly quoted or may be derived from the reference. Where MECLA has created a unique definition, it is noted.
The definitions are freely available for use by any organisation.
Applicability and Limitations | This dictionary is introductory in nature and may not be suitable for your intended purpose. It does not constitute technical, legal or other advice and should not be relied upon as such. You should always obtain your own technical, legal or other advice from a qualified professional based on your specific circumstances before taking any action relating to matters covered by this document. MECLA does not make any representations in relation to the accuracy, currency or completeness of the information contained in this document (including information obtained from external sources). To the maximum extent permitted by law, MECLA (including our directors, officers, employees, agents and partner organisations) excludes any liability in relation to the use of this document (whether in whole or in part). Your reliance on this document is at your own risk.
Figure 1
BS EN 15978:2011 Sustainability of construction works. Assessment of environmental performance of buildings. Calculation method – European Standards (en-standard.eu) (amended to include whole-life cycle carbon)
(The Institution of Structural Engineers, 2021)
(Guida, 2020)
(Climate Active, Technical guidance Manual, 2021)
(Clean Energy Regulator, Australian Government, 2020)
(Biki, 2021)
(Bullis, 2006)
(Demirbas & Demirbas, 2011)
(The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products, 2021)
(Jackson & Brander, 2019)
(Climate Council, 2021)
(CSIRO, 2021)
(Climate Change Authority, 2014)
(Carbon Trust, 2009)
(VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, 2016)
(Baumert, Herzog, & Pershing, 2005)
(Climate Active, Technical guidance Manual, 2021)
(Carbon Leadership forum, 2020)
(USGS, 2019)
(Bernoville, 2021)
(Europa, 2021)
(Climate Neutral, 2021)
(Lexico, 2022)
(UK Government, 2013)
(Department for Environment and Water, 2022)
(Ellen Macarthur, 2022) (thinkstep-anz, 2021)
(The Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA), 2022)
(Hauschild, Rosenbaum, & Olsen, 2017)
(C. Cao, 2017)
(C. Cao, 2017)
(C. Cao, 2017) (UCL Engineering)
(World Green Building Council, 2019)
(World Green Building Council, 2019)
(World Green Building Council, 2019)
(World Green Building Council, 2019)
(Climate Active, Technical guidance Manual, 2021)
(Clean Energy Regulator, Australian Government, 2020)
(ISO 14040, 2006)
(World Green Building Council, 2019)
(Designing Buildings, 2022)
(EPD International, 2022)
(World Green Building Council, 2019)
(MECLA) (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, 2022)
(IPCC, 2018)
(OECD, 2022)
(McAlinden, 2015)
(ISO 14044, 2006)
(Hauschild M. , 2018)
(ISO 14044, 2006)
(World Green Building Council, 2019) (The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products, 2021)
(NSW Government, 2021)
(The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products, 2021)
(World Green Building Council, 2019)
(ISO 14025, 2006) (EPD Australasia, 2018)
(ISO 14040, 2006)
(eTool Global, 2022)
(U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2020)
● emissions produced from manufacturing processes, such as from the manufacture of cement;
● emissions from the burning of diesel fuel in trucks;
● fugitive emissions, such as methane emissions from coal mines; or
● production of electricity by burning coal.
(Clean Energy Regulator, Australian Government, 2021)
(Clean Energy Regulator, Australian Government, 2021)
(Clean Energy Regulator, Australian Government, 2021)
(Department of Agriculture Water and the Environment, 2021)
(The Alliance of Sustainable Building Products, 2021)
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. (2022, February 9). Retrieved from https://www.accc.gov.au/system/files/Green%20marketing%20and%20the%20ACL.pdf
Baumert, K. A., Herzog, T., & Pershing, J. (2005). Navigating the Numbers Greenhouse Gas Data and International Climate Policy. World Resources Institute (WRI).
Bernoville, T. (2021, June 8). Retrieved from Plan A Academy: https://plana.earth/academy/what-is-difference-between-carbon-neutral-net-zero-climate-positive/
Biki, Z. (2021, December 17). Retrieved from United States Department of Agriculture: https://apps.fas.usda.gov/newgainapi/api/Report/DownloadReportByFileName?fileName=Biofuels%20Annual_Canberra_Australia_10-25-2021.pdf
Bullis, K. (2006, September 1). Retrieved from MIT Technology Review: https://www.technologyreview.com/2006/09/01/228127/ethanol-vs-biodiesel/
C. Cao. (2017). Advanced High Strength Natural Fibre Composites in Construction.
Carbon Leadership forum. (2020, December 17). Retrieved from Carbon Leadership forum: https://carbonleadershipforum.org/embodied-carbon-101/
Carbon Trust. (2009). Retrieved from https://web.archive.org/web/20090511102744/http://www.carbontrust.co.uk/solutions/CarbonFootprinting/what_is_a_carbon_footprint.htm
Clean Energy Regulator. (2020, September 17). Retrieved from Australian Government: http://www.cleanenergyregulator.gov.au/OSR/ANREU/types-of-emissions-units/australian-carbon-credit-units
Clean Energy Regulator. (2021, May 24). Retrieved from Australian Government: http://www.cleanenergyregulator.gov.au/NGER/About-the-National-Greenhouse-and-Energy-Reporting-scheme/Greenhouse-gases-and-energy
Climate Active. (2019). Climate Active Certification. Retrieved from Climate Active: https://www.climateactive.org.au/be-climate-active/certification
Climate Active. (2021). Technical guidance Manual.
Climate Change Authority. (2014, July). Retrieved from Climate Change Authority: https://www.climatechangeauthority.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-06/UIUHAERT/glossary.pdf
Climate Council. (2021, July 20). Retrieved from Climate Council: https://www.climatecouncil.org.au/resources/what-is-carbon-capture-and-storage/?atb=DSA01c&gclid=CjwKCAjwgISIBhBfEiwALE19SeMEyqm8P0G2a0a8M727ola80l9-3N3TBrKT6Q_BYHFN_eZplzU20BoCHOYQAvD_BwE
Climate Neutral. (2021). Climate Neutral. Retrieved from Climate Neutral: https://www.climateneutral.org/standards
CLIMATE+. (n.d.). CLIMATE+ Development Program. C40.
CSIRO. (2021). CO2 Utilisation Roadmap. Retrieved from https://www.csiro.au/-/media/Services/Futures/21-00285_SER-FUT_REPORT_CO2UtilisationRoadmap_ExeSumm_WEB_210810.pdf
Demirbas, A., & Demirbas, M. (2011). Importance of algae oil as a source of biodiesel. Energy Conversion and Management, 163-170.
Department for Environment and Water. (2022, February 9). Retrieved from Government of South Australia: https://www.environment.sa.gov.au/topics/land-management/sustainable-soil-land-management/carbon-sequestration
Department of Agriculture Water and the Environment. (2021, October 3). Retrieved from Australian Government: https://www.awe.gov.au/environment/protection/waste/product-stewardship
Designing Buildings. (2022). Retrieved from Designing Buildings: https://www.designingbuildings.co.uk/wiki/Home
Designing Buildings Ltd. (2022, February 9). Retrieved from https://www.designingbuildings.co.uk/wiki/Carbon_terminology
Ellen Macarthur. (2022, February 9). Retrieved from https://ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/topics/circular-economy-introduction/overview
EPD Australasia. (2018). Retrieved from EPD Australasia: https://epd-australasia.com/creating-epds/pcr/
EPD International. (2022). Retrieved from https://www.environdec.com/home
eTool Global. (2022). Retrieved from eTool Global: https://etoolglobal.com/software/help-centre/faqs/
Europa. (2021, June 24). Retrieved from European parliment: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/headlines/society/20190926STO62270/what-is-carbon-neutrality-and-how-can-it-be-achieved-by-2050
Guida, A. (2020, January 15). Retrieved from The Journal of The American Institute Of Architects: https://www.architectmagazine.com/practice/the-language-of-carbon_o
Hauschild, M. (2018). Life cycle assessment: theory and practice. Switzerland : Springer.
Hauschild, M. Z., Rosenbaum, R. K., & Olsen, S. I. (2017). Life Cycle Assessment. Springer.
IPCC. (2018). Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change.
ISO 14025. (2006). Environmental labels and declarations — Type III environmental declarations — Principles and procedures. ISO.
ISO 14040. (2006). Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Principles and framework. ISO.
ISO 14044. (2006). Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Requirements and guidelines.
Jackson, D. J., & Brander, M. (2019). The risk of burden-shifting from embodied carbon calculation tools for the infrastructure sector. Journal of Cleaner Production, 739-746.
Lexico. (2022). Retrieved from Lexico: https://www.lexico.com/definition/carbon_offset
McAlinden, B. (2015, May 15). Retrieved from Instituition of Civil Engineers: https://www.ice.org.uk/knowledge-and-resources/briefing-sheet/embodied-energy-and-carbon
NSW Government. (2021). Retrieved from NSW Government Energy Saver: https://www.energysaver.nsw.gov.au/reducing-emissions-nsw/low-emission-building-materials
OECD. (2022). Retrieved from OECD: https://www.oecd.org/innovation/green/toolkit/o4greenhousegasintensity.htm
The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products. (2021, May). Retrieved from The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products: https://asbp.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/LETI-Carbon-Definitions-for-the-Built-Environment-Buildings-Infrastructure.pdf
The Alliance of Sustainable Building Products. (2021, May 28). Retrieved from The Alliance of Sustainable Building Products,: https://asbp.org.uk/asbp-news/defining-and-aligning-whole-life-carbon-embodied-carbon
The Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA). (2022, February 9). Retrieved from https://www.aila.org.au/Web/Values/Climate-Positive-Design.aspx
The Instituition of Structural Engineers. (2021, June). Retrieved from The Instituition of Structural Engineers: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X_7Ugm1Ggm5qWlUD9m4LlGTz8HSs3JLz/view?usp=sharing
thinkstep-anz. (2021, August 20). Retrieved from https://www.thinkstep-anz.com/resrc/reports/embodied-carbon-and-embodied-energy-in-australias-buildings-gbca/
U.S. Energy Information Administration. (2020, August 18). Retrieved from https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/biofuels/biodiesel-in-depth.php
UCL Engineering. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.ucl.ac.uk/engineering-exchange/sites/engineering-exchange/files/fact-sheet-embodied-carbon-social-housing.pdf
UK Government. (2013, April 29). Retrieved from https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-carbon-plan-reducing-greenhouse-gas-emissions–2
USGS. (2019, March 8). Retrieved from U.S. Department of the Interior: https://www.usgs.gov/news/featured-story/making-minerals-how-growing-rocks-can-help-reduce-carbon-emissions#:~:text=Carbon%20mineralization%20is%20the%20process,escape%20back%20to%20the%20atmosphere.
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. (2016). Retrieved from https://www.handprint.fi/carbon-handprint/
World Green Building Council. (2019). Bringing embodied carbon upfront. London: WorldGBC.
Comments and suggestions
MECLA, the Materials and Embodied Carbon Leaders’ Alliance, is a collaboration of organisations that have come together to drive reductions in embodied carbon in the building and construction industry. MECLA members seek to align with the Paris Agreement targets and principles of the circular economy and recognise that the building and construction sector is a complex ecosystem. These definitions were developed by volunteers from MECLA Working Group 4 and have been reviewed by volunteers from all other MECLA working groups.
Whilst many hours of care and attention have been gone into the development of this dictionary, it’s possible some terms have been omitted, or you may have a suggestion for an alternative definition. Please help us improve this free industry resource if this is the case.
We welcome all suggestions for improvement using the form below.