About Next Rail
John Holland has joined with Jacobs to partner with Transport for NSW to deliver state-of-the-art improvements for NSW train customers. The partnership, known as Next Rail, has been awarded the More Trains, More Services stage 2 north package of works that includes T4 capacity improvement and T8 Airport Line capacity improvement.
The contract will help provide a major improvement in services by removing bottlenecks and delivering essential infrastructure upgrades between Central and Hurstville on the T4 Illawarra, T8 Airport and South Coast lines including:
- Reconfiguration of the track at Sydney Terminal and extensions to platforms 9 and 10
- Upgrades to Erskineville and Hurstville Crossovers
- Signalling, overhead wiring, traction power and substation upgrades in the Airport tunnel
- Other network power upgrades
The project worth close to $260 million will create approximately 450 jobs over the course of the project and improve customer journeys across NSW.
Construction will begin in the middle of 2020 and be completed in advance of the service improvements, which are planned for late 2022.
Sustainability Policy
Next Rail Sustainability Policy
Next Rail Procurement Policy
Download Next Rail is committed to delivering the MTMS Program in a safe, reliable, smart and sustainable manner. Balancing economic, environmental and social issues in order to leave a positive legacy and contribute to a sustainable transport system for NSW. Next Rail will work towards achieving this commitment by implementing a Sustainability Pathway on the MTMS Program by:
- Considering whole of life costing
- Working together
- Fostering innovation
- Having a customer and community focus
- Engaging our partners
- Considering the future
Read the Next Rail Sustainability Policy for details.
Why are we involved in the School?
This project will be engaging with thousands of businesses – from sole traders and small businesses to medium-sized and large organisations – and so we’re keen to work with our suppliers and ensure that we are all speaking the same language, understand our sustainability priorities, and learn as we go.
Organisations of all sizes are signing up to the School so they can grow the skills and knowledge of their people, make more informed, sustainable and cost-effective decisions, operate more efficiently and sustainably, and become more competitive in today’s market. Because the e-learning modules correspond directly to our objectives, suppliers will be better placed to understand what these requirements mean to them and we will be in a better position to meet the environmental, economic and social goals of our projects.
Objectives and targets
Procurement Process
The procurement process will follow these five steps:
Expressions of Interest (EOI)
Please fill out the form below to send your EOI to the package procurement team.
Next Rail has partnered with the Supply Chain Sustainability School to provide free sustainability learning resources for staff, key contractors, suppliers and partners, so that not just every project – but every part of the supply chain – can be more sustainable.
There are three key steps that Next Rail would like you to take. After all, everyone plays a part in creating successful, sustainable projects:

Australian Department of Environment: Biodiversity Legislation
Web link
Web link
Australian Circular Economy Hub | Planet Ark
Web link
Scope of Works
The Stage 2 Works of the MTMS Program have an approximate 2-year duration and have been packaged into two geographic works packages: the North Works Package and the South Works Package. In addition to these Packages, the MTMS Stage 2 Works includes other early works packages.
Next Rail will deliver the North Works Package using two delivery teams, project-wide management, functional and interface teams. The two delivery teams are T4 & T8 and their associated area of works is described below.
T4 Capacity Improvement | T8 Airport Line Capacity Improvement |
Sydney Terminal Illawarra Erskineville Hurstville Asset Rationalisation | Airport Tunnel Power Upgrades |
Package | T4 Capacity Improvement
Area | Sydney Terminal & Yard
Discipline | Permanent Way (Track)
- Install straight track at: Existing crossover 238 A&B; Existing crossover 235 A&B; Existing turnout 183 A; and Existing catchpoint 237
- Installation of 2 new scissor crossovers at: 185 A&B and 186 A&B; and 187 A&B and 238 A&B
- Install new turnout 188 A between roads 5-8
- Install new diamond crossing between roads 5-8.
- Relocate and renew 236A&B crossover, including 224 point switch.
- Install new catchpoint 237 with containment rail.
- Minor track alignment adjustments to Roads 5-8.
Discipline | OHW
Scope: Installation of overhead wiring structure B0+228 including associated overhead wiring switches and removal of existing structure B0+230 plus associated switches.
Discipline | Civil & Structures
- Extension of platforms 9 and 10 at the southern / country ends including associated surface treatments, lighting, PA system, modification to automatic door selection balises for NIF and fencing.
- CSR & ULX to support new track.
- Service relocations.
- Removal of platform road 9B.
- Removal and disposal off-site of: existing crossover 238 A&B; existing crossover 235 A&B; existing turnout 183 A; existing catchpoint 237; existing catchpoint 182 B; and existing 236 A&B crossover
- Associated drainage (sumps + concrete drains).
Area | Illawarra Dive
Discipline | Civil
Scope: Upgrades to drainage system within the dives and surrounding track drainage including between the Illawarra Dives and Erskineville.
Discipline | Track, OHW & Signalling
Scope: All track works, miscellaneous civil structures, mechanical and electrical equipment, OHW and LV power supplies as required to support the new drainage system.
Area | Erskineville
Discipline | Permanent Way (Track)
Scope: Installation of four (4) new crossovers: new crossover 681 A&B; new crossover 682 A&B; new crossover 683 A&B; new crossover 684 A&B; and track alignment adjustments to Up/Down Illawarra Locals & Up/Down Illawarra Lines.
Discipline | OHW
Scope: Support services system include new and modified OHW runs and OHWS required to reflect the changes to the track alignment.
Discipline | Civil
- Combined services routes including: new and modified cable routes; ULXs; required to reflect the changes to the modified signalling design.
- New and modified drainage assets required to reflect the changes to the track alignment.
Discipline | Electrical
Scope: 1500V DC feeder cable include: Additional 1500V DC feeder cable for feeder 31 between Erskineville Substation DC circuit breakers (DCCB) and OHW; Modify existing 1500V isolating and rail connecting switches (IRCS) to allow for additional cable on feeder 31; and New or modified cable routes between Erskineville Substation and OHWS SW2+586.
Discipline | Signalling
Scope: Support services.
Area | Hurstville Crossover
Discipline | Permanent Way (Track)
- New crossover 984 A&B between the Up Illawarra (main) and Down Illawarra (main).
- New catch point 984 C with containment rail.
- 200m of realigned track for the Up Illawarra line and the Down Illawarra (main) lines.
- Modifications to the superelevation of the Up and Down Illawarra (main) lines.
Discipline | OHW
Scope: OHWS modifications and additions including new supports beneath an existing bridge structure as required by the changes to the track alignment.
Discipline | Civil & Structures
- Combined services routes include modification of the existing CSR to accommodate the new signalling infrastructure.
- New and modified drainage assets required to reflect the changes to the track alignment.
- Removal of an existing non-sectionable overlap as required by the changes to the track alignment.
- Speed signs include new and modified speed signs to reflect the changes to the track alignment.
Discipline | Signalling
Scope: Installation of new signals, points and associated trackside equipment
Area | Asset Rationalisation
Discipline | Permanent Way (Track)
Scope: Straight track at the following locations: crossover 989 A&B at Hurstville; crossover 676 A&B at Erskineville; Hurstville Siding No. 2 Frame; and Hurstville Maintenance Siding No. 2.
Package | T8 Airport Line Capacity Improvement
Area | Airport Line Tunnel Upgrade
Discipline | Mascot Substation
- New traction Substation located at 166 O’Riordan Street, Mascot.2x 5MW rectifiers.7.5/9 MVA 33/11kV transformer.4x 1500V feeders to airport line tracks via IRCS room at existing Mascot SH.2x 33kV feeders (7A8 from Chalmers St SS, 7A9 from Wolli Creek Junction SS).2x 11kV feeders (587 from ROC No. 1 SS, 662 from Wolli Creek Junction SS).
- Cable route between Mascot SS and Airport Line rail tunnel (500m).
Discipline | Wolli Creek Substation
Scope: New traction Substation at Wolli Creek to replace the existing Undercliffe Substation and the existing Wolli Creek Sectioning Hut
3x 5MW rectifiers
7.5/9 MVA 33/11kV transformer
14x 1500V feeders to T4 Illawarra and T8 Airport and South lines
5x 33kV feeders
4x 11kV feeders
Decommission Undercliffe SS and Wolli Creek SH
Access road.
Discipline | 33kV Feeders
Scope: New 33kV Feeders:
33kV feeder 7A8 from Chalmers Street SS to Mascot SS
33kV feeder 7A9 from Mascot SS to Wolli Creek Junction SS
33kV feeders to run as cable through airport line tunnel.
Re-configured 33kV Feeders
702 33kV feeder Wolli Creek Junction SS to Hurstville SS
705 33kV feeder Wolli Creek Junction SS to Earlwood SS
765 33kV feeder Wolli Creek Junction SS to Meeks Road SS
767 33kV feeder Wolli Creek Junction SS to Rockdale SS
Modification works – relocate feeders from Undercliffe SS to Wolli Creek Junction SS.
Discipline | 11kV Feeders
Scope: New 11kV Feeders:
11kV feeder 569 from Chalmers Street SS to ROC No. 1 SS
New feeder 569 to run as cable through airport line tunnel
Portion of works through street at Green Square to ROC
Re-configured AC Feeders – Mascot SS
662/1 11kV feeder Mascot SS to Domestic Station SS (joint in Mascot Station)
587/3 11kV feeder Mascot Station SS to Mascot SS
Re-configured AC Feeders – Wolli Creek Junction SS
662/4 11kV feeder Wolli Creek Station SS to Wolli Creek Junction SS
688/2 11kV feeder Tempe Station SS to Wolli Creek Junction SS
689/1 11kV feeder Wolli Creek Junction SS to Turrella Station SS
690/1&2 11kV feeder Wolli Creek Junction to Arncliffe Station (via new padmount).
Discipline | OHW
- New auxiliary feeders – 5x runs of 270sqmm auxiliary feeders in airport line tunnel.
- New auxiliary feeders – 1x run of 270sqmm auxiliary feeder in city outer tunnel.
Discipline | Telecommunications
- Cable Routes
- Fibre Interconnection Upgrades: New 288F between Sydenham SCC Comms Room A to Wolli Creek Junction Comms Room.
- Substation Lead-in Cables:Mascot SS to Mascot Comms RoomMascot SS to ROC Comms Room A (via Airport Tunnel) (Diverse)Wolli Creek Junction SS to new joint (location TBC)Wolli Creek Junction SS to existing joint at Wolli Creek StationEarlwood SS – new lead-in cables for 705 line pilot wire protectionMeeks Road SS – new lead-in cables
Discipline | Signalling
- Installation of 8x new tunnel signals and train-stops
- Modifications to one signal and train-stop
- Installation of new track circuits
- Modification to existing track circuits
- Modification to existing air line for new and removed train-stops
- Modification to interlocking (automatic signal section)
- ATRICS changes
- Local indication system changes
- New and modified safe-working phones
- Adjustments to speed signs
- ATP changes
- Single stage commissioning anticipated
Area | Power Upgrade
Discipline | Power Upgrade
Scope: New auxiliary feeder in the tunnel for Chalmers Street ‘A’ Substation to St James Sectioning Hut 402 City Outer C04+888 to C05+124.