More Trains, More Services – Next Rail
The More Trains, More Services program (MTMS) is a multi-billion-dollar program designed to simplify and modernise the rail network. Passengers will be able to access more services on a simpler and more reliable network through the delivery of better infrastructure, new trains and extra services.
MTMS has been split into packages. Next Rail (a partnership between John Holland, Transport for NSW and Jacobs) is currently delivering a package that will enable extra services on the T2 Inner West & Lepping Line. As part of this package, Next Rail is also upgrading overhead wiring in the rail corridor at Lewisham, Guildford, Seven Hills, Toongabbie, Pendle Hill, Wentworthville, Westmead and Schofields to improve train movements through these stations.
Sustainability Policy
Next Rail Sustainability Policy
Download Next Rail is committed to delivering MTMS in a safe, reliable, smart and sustainable manner. We aim to balance economic, environmental and social issues to leave a positive legacy and contribute to a sustainable transport system for NSW. To fulfill this promise, we plan to adopt and integrate a sustainability pathway by:
- considering whole of life costing
- working together
- fostering innovation
- having a customer and community focus
- engaging our partners
- considering the future.
Please refer to the Next Rail Sustainability Policy for more information.
Why are we involved in the School?
Next Rail will be engaging with thousands of businesses, spanning from sole traders and small businesses to medium-sized and large organisations. We are keen to work with our suppliers to ensure that we are all speaking the same language, understand our sustainability priorities and learn as we go.
Businesses of all sizes are signing up to the School so they can grow the skills and knowledge of their people, enabling them to make more informed, sustainable and cost-effective decisions. This means they will be able to operate more efficiently and sustainably, and become more competitive in today’s market.
The e-learning modules correspond directly to Next Rail’s objectives. This will empower suppliers to understand what our requirements are and together, we can work to achieve the environmental, economic and social project goals.
We ask that a member of your organisation completes one of the five training modules below. To get started, please log in or sign up for a free membership account with the Supply Chain Sustainability School and:
- Complete one of the five training modules below
- Upload your certificate using the MTMS3A Training Certificate Form directly under the training modules below.
Modern Slavery
Human Rights and Modern Slavery | Advanced | e-learning module
E-learning Module
Sustainable Procurement
An introduction to Sustainable Procurement e-learning module
E-learning Module
Sustainable Procurement
Sustainable Procurement Resource Centre
Web link
Local community and economy
Fair Work Act (2009)
Web link
Australia’s Fifth National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Web link