About More Trains, More Services
More Trains, More Services brochure
Download Over the next ten years the More Trains, More Services program will roll out world-class technology to transform the rail network and provide customers with more reliable, high capacity turn up and go services.
More than $4.3 billion is being invested in the More Trains, More Services program, which has already delivered more than 1700 additional weekly services across the rail network since 2017.
The next stages of More Trains, More Services will focus on delivering improvements for the T4 Illawarra, T8 Airport and South and the South Coast lines. Every day more than 410,000 customers travel on these lines, almost a third of all Sydney Trains customers.
Need for the MTMS Program
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) has a 10-year rail development plan and prioritised investment program for rail services, fleet and infrastructure that is known as the Medium-Term Rail Development Program (MTRDP). The future network planned for in the MTRDP is expected to increase public transport mode share and meet customer requirements. The MTRDP complements long-term whole of NSW Government infrastructure plans and the work of the Greater Sydney Commission. The MTRDP has identified the need for improvements to the T4 Illawarra corridor.
More Trains More Services (MTMS) is the mechanism to transform the entire heavy rail network over the next 20-30 years. The initial three-stages will deliver the Medium-Term Rail Development Plan (MTRDP), a comprehensive 10-year plan to ensure the suburban and intercity heavy rail network meets projected customer demands and requirements through enabling the transformation of priority lines to automated, high capacity, turn up and go rail services.
The T4 Illawarra Line currently runs at capacity and is forecast to be significantly above capacity by 2026. TfNSW has determined that the line cannot provide the medium-term capacity increases forecast for 2024 and beyond. Factors such as the significant urban development along the T4 Illawarra corridor between Wolli Creek and Hurstville are driving the increased passenger demand, as well as growing congestion on major roads serving the Sutherland Shire and Illawarra region. A future Sydney Metro City and Southwest will not provide any relief for customers on the T4 Illawarra Line.
In addition to the forecast increase in passenger demand, planned changes to the heavy rail network in the period 2018 to 2024 will reduce the utility of key track assets in the current configuration, such as the Illawarra Local track between Wolli Creek and Central.
More Trains More Services Stage Stage 2 Supplier Engagement Forum 9 Sept 2020 slides
Supplier Engagement Forum
The More Trains More Services stage two north and south packages rallied together to host a supplier engagement forum with the Supply Chain Sustainability School and Transport for NSW on 9 September 2020 from 9 am to 11 am.